Pregnancy Massage

Postpartum Massage

A postpartum woman often finds that her body has been altered by pregnancy, birth and hormonal shifts.  Breastfeeding and bottle feeding positions may cause strain throughout the back, neck and shoulder areas.  Postnatal massage will relieve stress and pain caused by tense tissues and promote relaxation and improved sleep quality.  

Babies are Welcome at Massage Appointments

A breastfeeding schedule or a desire to remain close to their baby means that some would like to bring their infant along to the appointment.  Babies are always welcome!  The massage table has breast recesses for the nursing mom and allows for comfort while lying on her belly.  If baby needs feeding or comforting, then Mom can shift to a side lying position.  

Therapeutic Massage

To address contemporary postural challenges, regular therapeutic massage is an effective way to target specific muscles, restore normal range of motion to joints and promote relaxation of the nervous system.  Any massage can be potentially therapeutic if delivered in a skillful manner.  The methods I use coax tension from tissues, ease stiff joints and promote healthy circulation.  Treatments may involve muscle kneading, myofascial release, trigger point therapy and assisted stretching.  Sometimes a soft tissue condition is initially diagnosed by a physician, physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor through a careful assessment and evaluation of the area. Massage therapy can be one more helpful strategy for recovery.  

Hot Stone Massage

Experience water treated stones (43-54 degrees C) placed at specific sites on your body.  The stones are a black, smooth volcanic (basalt) rock that absorb and retain heat well.  Warm stones are placed in the palms of your hands, on your belly and between your toes. Some maintain that the stones have an energetic charge that is transferred into the body.  Depending upon your requests for treatment, you may begin face up or face down.  Heated stones are placed on specific points on your spine and the body is warmed up with traditional Swedish massage strokes.  Once the tissues are warmed, then deeper massage therapy techniques may take place.  


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